Monday, March 20, 2023


Every child is born with a tremendous creative capacity. Therefore, the education provided to a child should aim to bring out and develop their creativity. All activities organized for the emotional, social, mental, and physical development of a child should emphasize their uniqueness and freedom, allowing them to act in a different and exploratory manner and stimulating their creativity with their rich thoughts.

In this regard, the child should be able to express their emotions and thoughts spontaneously in games and activities in a way that suits them best. Thus, all activities designed for the child's development should be structured to stimulate their constructive and creative energy and productive power. In this direction, PARENTS should attach great importance and deep respect to the child's perception, senses, feelings, thoughts, and inner freedom.

Every child has a strong desire to see, examine, hear, smell, and taste the objects around them. Every child also has a strong innate desire to act spontaneously, produce, draw, paint, create models, dance, sing, and be constructive. To develop these desires, unique perceptions, senses, intuitions, imaginations, and skills based on the five senses should be strengthened and reinforced in every child. With this approach, the child finds themselves in an environment where they are accepted as they are. They are motivated to decide for themselves what to do, use their creative energy, freely choose and use the subject, production method, processes, tools, and materials. They benefit from their senses, intuitions, and imaginations. They enjoy being creative and playing roles. They explore activities and experiments. They design and make discoveries. They try new original methods.

For example, a child may draw a place or sea in a painting. They place flowers and a house on the ground and put a sun in the upper part of the painting. By experiencing their physical environment freely, acquiring the concepts of the land and sky, and their symbolic images visually and imaginatively, while respecting their senses, using their emotions, the child expresses themselves in their painting. A five-year-old child has drawn a frozen sea with blue under the paper and put waves going towards the top of the paper, saying that they froze because the weather was very cold. This child also obtained some symbolic images and visual and tactile sensations using their touch and visual senses.

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