Developmental Stages in Children (1) - (Identity Development): Prenatal Period
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Developmental Stages in Children (1) - (Identity Development): Prenatal Period


The prenatal period begins with fertilization. The fertilized egg becomes a zygote. The zygote divides and multiplies in the first few hours after fertilization. Then, when the fertilized egg reaches the uterus through the fallopian tubes, the development of the umbilical cord takes place in order to establish a connection with the mother's body.

First, the head of the baby develops. The most important time for brain development is the first two months. The brain completes 70% of its development during this time. After that, the organs and limbs in the body develop.


• During this period, the mother should not only maintain her own nutritional adequacy, but also create a food reserve for the baby. This does not mean that the mother should eat two plates of food. The main foods such as milk, yogurt, meat, eggs, etc. should be consumed in the amount recommended by the doctor.

• During the first 2 months, the main ingredient of the brain, zinc, should be consumed through fatty seeds such as a handful of nuts, soybeans, peanuts, etc.

• The pregnant woman should also consume foods rich in fiber.

• All vitamins and other nutrients should be consumed in sufficient quantities, and special attention should be paid to the consumption of iodine and iron.

• The mother's avoidance of stress as much as possible will also have a positive effect on the development of the baby.

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