“Is it OK for me to be like a friend with my child?”
Sunday, November 27, 2022

“Is it OK for me to be like a friend with my child?”

Parents who have had troubled communication processes with their parents, especially in their youth, can adopt the philosophy of "I am like a friend with my child" with all their good intentions, with the point of view that we should not cause these problems to our children.

However, there is equality in friendship. Parents, on the other hand, are not equal to their children, they are their parents. Maintaining balance is very important.

Just because parents aren't friends with their child doesn't mean being harsh, shouting, or getting angry. Parents are the people that children can seek refuge and help from when they need support. Parents should set limits that are appropriate for their children's age and development by allowing them to develop.

Trying to be friends with your child is a mistake. Children need the strong stance of their parents. Our children will have many friends throughout their lives, but they will have only one parent to guide them in their development.