Sunday, November 20, 2022



Another thing that makes it quick to pack and doesn't take up space is a non-plastic bag. Hang a large bag on the back of the door, your child can easily put some things there. You can use it for anything from pajamas to socks or small toys.


Your child's bedroom or playroom is sure to be messy most of the time. It would be unfair to ask him to tidy the room even in the middle of the game or at the height of the fun. One way to avoid this clutter is to remove toys that your child does not use now that they are older̈ or to return them later. Help your child get into the habit of removing the first toy when finished with one toy before playing with the other. A small room can be so messy that your child cannot find what he wants and play comfortably.


An eighteen-month-old will love putting toys in a box, especially if you're doing it together and talking to him about what you're doing. After a year, you can tell your child to remove a few of their toys; wanting more can turn him off. Your child between the ages of 2.5 and 4 can put clothes in the drawers and learn what needs to be put where. Talking together about collecting and what to put where is very effective. From the age of 4, you can give your child tasks to do his own collection and placement.


Your 3̧-4 year old won't be as organized as you put things back; so try not to finish the job before that. If he has put away his toys, even if some of them are in the wronģ boxes, leave everything as is and support his effort. If your child is making his bed, don't let him know, even if the resulţ doesn't look pretty̧; If he thinks it doesn't look good, or if you help with the collection, he thinks he's not doing the job well and is alienated from it. If it is very necessary, you can do the hard work when he is not present.

Translation: Tidy up Your Room, Early Childhood Today