Creative drama

Creative drama is a learning tool that increases the artistic sensitivity of the participant, his awareness of himself, others, and the world, and develops the imagination of each child, seen in the plays of young children. It activates the senses, imagination, and imagination so that the child can participate effectively in the learning process. In creative drama studies; Developing studies are carried out to improve self-worth, contribute to social skills, have positive effects on observation and details, create self-awareness and social awareness, and contribute positively to the individual in terms of problem-solving, planning, and production.

Visual arts

Plastic arts education in the preschool period not only provides direct benefits to the cognitive and affective development of children but also supports their psychomotor learning in terms of manual dexterity and coordination. Plastic arts are fun applications that appeal to children's senses by combining with 2-dimensional planes as well as 3-dimensional disciplines. In our works, we introduce the painters and artists who have a place in the history of art visually and practically, on the other hand, we discover the Picasso, Van Goghs, and Dalis of the class.

While our children create their own designs by shaping various materials such as cardboard, kraft, clay, plastron dough, and wood, accompanied by various concepts; By learning to use different paint types such as watercolor, crayon, powder paint, oil pastel, dry pastel, gouache, acrylic, they actually color their future lives and their own worlds. Our children who discovered how to transform natural materials into works of art in outdoor activities; wool, yarn, fabric, etc. now are expanding the limits of their imagination with materials.

Our children enjoy working together and producing as a team, while the harmony they create from colors accompanies their enthusiasm throughout the year. We take care to use the most popular materials of contemporary art in our works where our children apply up-to-date techniques within a certain concept. We get familiar with different materials such as glass mosaic, plexiglass, acetate paper, and metal in the adaptations, each of which reflects their own character and unique choices. While our primary goal is to enable children to adopt an understanding of art that is not just about drawing, thanks to 3-dimensional works, we aim to help them gain the ability to perceive and think multidimensionally, the aesthetic aspects of life that they learn every day, as well as the ability to see and solve the paradoxes they encounter. we are working.


Most of us know Carl Orff as a composer and with his most famous work, the oratorio Carmina Burana. The educator aspect comes up with the Orff Method that he developed. We also apply the "Orff method" in music lessons.

The Orff Method is a method developed by Carl Orff that encourages learning in a completely natural way, using elements that the child is familiar with, to give basic musical education to children.

The most basic elements of this method are dance, music, speech, language, body, and movement. By using these basic elements, when the Orff method is applied, musical development is provided in the child. At the same time, with this development, the child's learning discipline, taking group responsibility, learning to work with others, and attention skills are developed.

In addition to all these, Carl Orff used Orff instruments, which he named after himself, in order to make education more fun while applying his method to children. Among these instruments, Steel Triangle, Rhythm Sticks, Cymbals, Timpani, Gong, Xylophone, Metelaphone, Glockenspieller, and various sized drums are among the best known.

Dance and Ballet

Ballet exercises performed between the ages of 3 and 6 are called "PRE-BALLET FOR KIDS". These studies aim to both improve the musical ear and contribute to the development of children's muscle structure, accompanied by special music developed for children. In this age group, ballet works also include male-female movements, rhythm movements that support the musical ear, and "ballet repertoire" sections in which the stories of famous ballerinas are told. It is applied by a specialist once a week, with the duration adjusted according to age characteristics, to all children, regardless of gender, in order to develop their aesthetic feelings and to enable them to recognize and love the art of ballet.


Gymnastics is a sport that provides the optimum development of mental and social characteristics as well as the physical characteristics required in all sports branches. With these features, this sport, which gives great excitement and pleasure to practice and arouses admiration to watch, is considered as the main sport all over the world. It has an important place in the development of children due to its contribution to physical development along with healthy movement development, including activities within the child's nature.

It is necessary to carry out activities that will provide mobility in preschool children and to support their natural development with special programs prepared according to their age periods. After first transferring the culture of doing sports to children, gymnastics offers them the opportunity to make conscious choices for the right activities. In short, gymnastics provides balance, strength, quickness, flexibility, hand-eye/nerve-muscle coordination, control, and the ability to use one's body consciously. We aim to provide our children with their own special abilities with our programmed and regular gymnastics practice.